As we get closer and closer to the end of the year, the biggest names in pop are churning out more and more powerhouse releases. This week alone saw the premiere of Lotus legend Christina Aguilera‘s stunning reworking of A Great Big World‘s “Say Something” and Brit Brit‘s fragrant second single “Perfume,” as well as album releases by Eminem, Avril Lavigne and Celine Dion.
Lady Gaga - err, Aphrodite Lady Seashell Bikini Garden Panty - landed on Earth with the full stream of ARTPOP, which led to this week’s #Ibrawlator between Gaga, Katy and Miley: Which pop princess’ album is your favorite so far? There’s still time to vote! And speaking of voting, we’re asking YOU to decide who should take over Idolator all day long.
And of course, you guys had a ton of things to say about all the releases this week. Check it out!
:: 78spade put a lot of thought into our Ibrawlator this week, but pointed out a major missing component on Ibrawlator: 'Bangerz', 'PRISM' Or 'ARTPOP' - Which Pop Album Is Your Favorite?: “Gaga's feels more like an album than Katy Perry's. The "half & half" album thing definitely worked for Beyonce but for everybody trying recently (Nicki, Katy, etc), seems like they don't really have an overall thought behind the album as a whole... It comes off more like "HEY, look what I can do!) Not too say that Katy Perry won't have a successful album though! However, anybody who has heard Natalia Kills' new album knows that Natalia has the best pop album out right now. Hands down the boldest, most conceptual pop album in a while actually. She gets my real vote.”
:: Adam is also totally on the ARTPOP Express (with some Avril love, too): “Sorry but it's no surprise ARTPOP's the most voted. Sonically it's huge, out of this world (again) just like The Fame was in its day. Why's everybody demanding same stuff from the artist? I'm not gonna start a "let the artist evolve" speech. And sorry again but Prism's just plain boring... And yeah, Avril Lavigne's new album is crazy!”
:: Ewan, however, was not pleased - and that’s coming from a fan: “Not sure why Gaga is in first place here? I'm a a fan, but even I can say that this is by far Gaga's worst album to date, and one of the worst pop albums of 2013. And where's Avril lavigne???? She would've knocked all 3 divas out the park... Avril has the best Pop album of 2013! No doubt! Second to that, i'd say Katy's Prism ;)”
:: Rebecca was really proud of Eminem on Eminem's 'The Marshall Mathers LP 2 : Review Revue: “I personally love it. Way I see it, the guy's fricking 41 and has been rapping for ages now, and still destroys lyrically than (I personally believe) anyone else. Times change. The audience changes. All you hear on the radio anymore is Kesha, Lady Gaga, etc. As much as it sucks, artists do have to conform to an extent. And honestly, I like this new style. He's evolved. In a good way. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love his old stuff. But it doesn't make me like this new album any less.”
:: Kerry didn’t quite understand why Justin Bieber‘s beefing with his label on Justin Bieber Drags His Record Label On Twitter, Calls Def Jam "Shady": “It would be different if Justin made an entire album and the label refused to promote it (such as the case with Kelly Clarkson's "My December"). But his label probably doesn't see the need to waste their time and money on one artists small project. Besides he's on twitter, facebook, youtube, and every other social media outlet. Justin can promote the music himself for free. The songs made it to the top ten on iTunes anyway. So, why exactly does he have a beef with his label?”
:: Jenny, however, came to his defense as a Belieber: “Yes, he has a good reason to be mad! It seems his label wants him to stick with his pop sound, and as you can tell from his latest releases, he is aiming for a more R&B sound! Justin has been telling his fans that he meets that he wanted to release this music sooner, but wasn't allowed to! They can't expect him to please these little 9-12 year olds anymore! He's an adult now, and its time his music grows along with him, not his child fans!”
:: carlos just couldn’t get excited about Brit Brit’s new single on Britney Spears' "Perfume": Review Revue: “I'm totally a Britney stan and it hurts to say it but, this song is not good. I don't know where are the big vocals and the emotion everybody is hearing. This is the worst ballad she's ever released. And her singing in the line that says "Is there still longing there?" ...sounds terrible and hard to listen to. I'm very upset about this.”
:: AngelouLoves on the other hand, was pleased: “I like the song.. it's definitely her most mature ballad. and I commend her for taking the risk of doing a ballad and letting go of her failsafe formula of doing EDM to make hits.”
:: And Marina thought it was music to her ears (and nose): “I'm with PopJustice... Work B*tch is way underwhelming, not a personal track at all, as she claimed it would be her most personal album ever. It's a catchy-club-dance song though, but didn't and won't buy it. On the other hand, Perfume is a sincere ballad, that showcases Brits vulnerability and a little bit more vocal talent. I'm shipping this one ;)”
:: Finally, Avril Fan Since Complicated had us giving our own Sam Lansky a pat on the back on <"a href="http://www.idolator.com/7491839/avril-lavigne-album-review">Avril Lavigne's 'Avril Lavigne': Album Review: “Just listened to the album all the way through....twice. This is possibly the best review of an album ever written. Spot on. You hit the nail on the head on every single song. Good job.”