Tuesday, December 4, 2012


post: Micha Brown photos/graphic design: Kristin Ess

Lately we’ve noticed a rise in the number of girls wearing their hair with a more natural curly texture. The reason seems to be different for everyone– curly hair trends, rainy weather or just giving the hair a break from heat styling and working with the beauty of natural curl. Either way, we’re into it! Most curly girls sporting a natural texture (whether it’s their own or not) don’t wash their hair every day in order to preserve the hair’s natural oils. Some of you jump in the shower and re-wet the hair by just running water and/or conditioner through, which is totally fine if that works for you, but some of us don’t neccessarily want to get our scalp wet. Here’s how I go about refreshing my curls if I feel like they’ve gotten too out of control…

  1. This is pretty much what my hair looks like in the morning when I wake up if I haven’t worn a satin sleep cap (which you can see in picture #8). First thing I want to do is detangle it.
  2. A) DON’T start at the top when detangling. Since curly hair already lacks moisture naturally, we don’t want to add anymore stress to it because it can cause breakage. B)DO start at the bottom working your way to the middle and then up to the top/root.
  3. My favorite thing to do is to mix 1/2 water with 1/2 leave-in conditioner. I use THIS ONE by Sexy Hair. I don’t like to use just leave-in because I feel like it can weigh the hair down after a day or so, but when I dilute it with water I never have any issues with that.
  4. Take sections of hair and spray. You don’t want to soak it, but you don’t want to lightly mist it either. Go somewhere in between. Since I can’t see you, and because each head of hair will absorb product differently, use your best judgment. Start with less and add more if you need to.
  5. Now comb through using a wide-tooth comb. I like to use a wide-tooth comb because as you can see in the photo, the hair tends to “group up” after it slides through the wide teeth of the comb.
  6. After you’ve used the wide-tooth comb, you should only use your hands. No more brushing and no more combing as it dries. The hair will start to lock back up into it’s original ringlets.
  7. If you come across an extra stubborn section that wants to frizz no matter what, just wet your hand with your leave-in & water spray and spin that piece around your finger to encourage the curl. Make sure to spin it the way it wants to go so you’re not fighting the natural pattern.
  8. This is the satin sleep cap that every curly girl should own. I know you feel stupid wearing it but to be honest I don’t even think about that! Anything that minimizes my beauty routine in the morning is FINE. BY. ME.

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